Saturday, May 9, 2015


Definition: Exercises during 1st 6 weeks after delivery is called post natal exercises.  Purposes:
·         Boost mood by increasing the levels of feel-good chemicals (endorphins) in brain.
·         Help s to lose weight and regain  pre-baby figure,
·         Protects from aches and pains.
·         Give more energy,
·         Improve your strength and stamina to cope with the demand of the motherhood.
·         To combat venous stasis
·         To correct posture
·         To reduce excessive fat
·         to maintain firm shape of breast and and secure milk supply.
Recommended post natal exercises:
·     Brisk walking
·     Swimming
·     Aqua-aerobics
·     Yoga
·     Pilates
·     Low-impact aerobic workouts
·     Light weight training
·     Cycling.
Not recommended post natal exercises (caesarean mother):
·         hands-and-knees position
·         swimming
Types of exercises:  These should be started after 24 hours. Do all exercises five times a day.
·         Gentle tummy exercises
·         Lower abdominal muscles exercises
·         Pelvic floor exercises
·         Exercise for upper back
1.      Gentle tummy exercises:
Position: lying down, sitting, stating, or on your hands and knees.
Stage-1: Method:
·         Keep your lower back flat.
·         Breathe out and draw your belly button back towards your spine. Your lower back shouldn’t flex or move.
·         Hold this position and breathe lightly. Count to 10.
·         Relax and repeat up to 10 times per set.
·         Do 10 sets, as many times per day as you can.
·         You may like to perform your pelvic floor exercises at the same time 
Once the gap in your abdominal muscles has closed, you can progress to more demanding exercises. General guidelines include:
Image result for Gentle tummy exercises post natal women
Stage:-2 method:
·         Lie on your back, with bent knees and both feet on the floor. Put your hands on your thighs.
·         Breathe out, contract your abdominal muscles and lift your head and shoulders off the floor. Slide your hands towards your knees. Only aim to get your shoulder blades off the floor.
·         Keep your head and shoulders stable. Hold the position, then slowly ease your shoulders and head back to the floor.
·         Repeat up to 10 times for one set.
·         Perform around three sets per session.
2.      Exercises for lower abdominal muscle:
The lower abdominal muscles are located below your belly button Exercising this muscle may help you to lose your 'pregnancy shape' and help to flatten your tummy.
Position: lying on your side or on your back with your knees bent up.
Method: Make sure your abdominal muscles have healed. Until the gap is closed, only perform the ‘gentle tummy exercise’ option.
·         Lie on your back with your knees bent and both feet flat on the floor.
·         Contract your abdominal muscles.
·         Slowly slide your feet away from you, aiming to straighten both legs. The idea is to straighten the legs without arching your lower back.
·         If your back starts to arch, stop and slide your feet back towards your bottom.
·         Aim for 10 repetitions per set.
·         Perform around three sets per session.
·         As your lower abdominal muscles get stronger, you’ll be able to slide your feet further and further away.
3.      Pelvic floor exercises: Pelvic tilts are useful exercises that gently move and stretch your back and exercise your tummy muscles. They can also help to alleviate back pain. 
Pelvic tilting
Position: lying down, sitting and standing.
Method: pelvic tilting while lying down
-Lie on the floor or on your bed. Place a pillow under your head. Bend your knee by sliding your feet up towards your bottom.
-Tighten your pelvic floor and pull in your lower tummy muscles, before squashing the small of your back down into the floor or bed. Hold this for a count to three and then arch your back away from the floor or bed. Repeat this 10 times. Try not to hold your breath.
Method: pelvic tilts while sitting: 
-Sit on a chair or stool with your feet on the floor.
-Tighten your pelvic floor muscles and pull in your lower tummy muscles. Slump your back and then arch it so you stick your chest and bottom out. Keep the exercise flowing smoothly so you stretch your back one way and then the other.
Method: pelvic tilts while using an exercise ball:
-Sit on an exercise ball with both feet on the floor, preferably on a carpet to ensure the ball does not slide around.
-Move the ball backwards and forwards with your bottom, allowing your pelvis to move with it. Try to keep your shoulders still. You can also move the ball from side to side to exercise your waist muscles.
Post Natal Exercises 2
Pelvic Rock:
Position:Lying down
·         Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
·         While breathing out, move your pelvis in a rocking movement, so that your lower back is flat on the floor.
·         Then move your pelvis again, so that your lower back is lifted from the floor.

4.      Exercise for upper back and neck

You may like to perform your pelvic floor exercises at the same time 
It is easy to spend a lot of time sitting in a slumped position when you're a new mum, especially while breastfeeding.
Try these exercises to stretch and move your upper back and neck. 
·         Sit up straight with your arms crossed over your chest. Twist to the left and then to the right. Repeat 10 times each way. 
·         Sit and link your hands behind your neck. Twist to the left and then to the right. Repeat 10 times each way. 
·         Sit and link both hands together in front of you. Take your arms up in front of you and above your head as far as you can. Hold for two or three seconds and then slowly lower your arms down again. 
This exercise will strengthen your neck: 
·         Sit and slowly turn your head to the left and then to the right. 
·         Slowly, tilt your head so you move your right ear down to the right shoulder and then your left ear down to your left shoulder. 
·         Slowly bring your head back to the middle and then bend your neck forwards to your chest and backwards to the ceiling. If you start feeling dizzy, do the exercises more slowly.